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How to carry out marketing and promotion of professional canteen contracting?

Time:2021-07-20 17:43:34  Views: 162

How does the canteen contract carry out marketing and promotion? The new idea of catering management is to use the principle of market economy, not the early planning era. The selectivity of customer consumption is small, and the irrational consumption leads to the early catering operators to "take one step at a time". Because the catering market in the early stage is in short supply, while today's catering market has shifted from the seller's market to the buyer's market, and the consumer consumption concept is becoming more and more mature.

1. Establish popularity and improve the influence and reputation of the restaurant in the local catering market

Before and after the opening of the restaurant, it should make a "indiscriminate" publicity offensive on the local media with great influence. After opening for a period of time, it can regularly organize some public welfare promotion or publicity activities. Such as: condolences to the local garrison, nursing homes, unpaid blood donation, etc. Or in some commemorative festivals, such as teacher's day, children's day, nurse's day and so on.

In the name of this activity, local media are invited to give news reports, so as to play a role in soft advertising and the establishment of a positive image of the restaurant.

2. Kitchen special

The kitchen can launch some special dishes or special dishes every week or every month according to the season, so as to attract or stimulate customers' consumption.

3. Gifts or coupons

The restaurant can make and present small handicrafts to make customers feel that they can not only enjoy a multi-level atmosphere, but also receive lovely gadgets. This can not only play a role in publicity, but also improve the grade of the restaurant. In terms of distribution, the value of gifts can be determined according to the level of consumption.

4. Establish and collect customer source personnel files

The establishment of customer source files is mainly to record the preferences, taboos, date of birth, company store celebrations, etc. At that time, send congratulatory letters in advance to strengthen the contact with diners, so that we can have a stable source of customers. It can be said that if 3000 source files are established; Even if the 3000 people only come to spend once a year, 3000 divided by 360 every day equals 8.3 people / time, and the 8.3 person times will certainly bring another source of tourists.

5. Create a good dining environment

A good dining environment and atmosphere can also attract guests to consume, not to mention the whole. Even if there is a style in the design of each private room, it will make guests have a pleasant and refreshing feeling every time they come to dinner.