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What are the benefits of choosing canteen contracting?

Time:2021-07-20 17:49:20  Views: 244

Factory canteen contracting

Whether a canteen contractor is good or not can affect the employees' sense of belonging and work enthusiasm to the enterprise, and directly affect the production and economic benefits of the enterprise. To make employees seriously put into production, we should give them a reasonable canteen meal plan to make employees feel the warmth given by the enterprise. Therefore, it is very important to choose a good canteen contractor. The following small series will explain to you!

The importance of selecting a good factory canteen contractor is as follows:

1. The scale of the factory canteen contracting company is relatively large for large enterprises, so as to meet the dining needs of a large number of employees in the enterprise. If the enterprise canteen contracting company is small, it may not be able to supply enough meals to meet the dining service of workers' canteen.

2. The services provided by the factory canteen contracting company and the services and meals that the enterprise canteen contracting company can provide to the factory employees are very important. If the dietary structure is unreasonable and the service is not in place, it is easy to cause contradictions between the enterprise and the employees, and directly affect the enterprise's trust in the canteen contracting company. As an enterprise, we should choose a professional canteen contracting company. As a canteen contracting company, we should provide quite perfect dining services for the enterprise.

3. The management of the factory canteen contracting company. For the canteen contracting company, management means reasonable dietary structure, comfortable dining environment and healthy and fresh food material supply. These details will directly affect the dining of employees. Therefore, when selecting the enterprise canteen contracting company, enterprises should pay attention to whether the management of the canteen contracting company is in place and whether it can provide strict management system for factory employees.

4. It depends on whether the factory canteen contractor has a better ability to operate the enterprise canteen. If the contractor has previous experience in operating the enterprise or school canteen, it can start very quickly. If you don't have this experience, you must choose a formal and large canteen contractor.

The safety requirements for food materials contracted by the factory canteen are as follows:

1. The food materials are purchased and distributed uniformly, and the scientific proportion of professional nutritionists ensures the nutrition of meals; Keep food samples for 48 hours to ensure green and safe food.

2. Once a month, pesticide residue detection of tableware and agricultural products, standard detection of oil fume emission, and elimination of four pests in the kitchen four times a month, so as to control food health from the source.