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The impact of the epidemic on the catering and food materials industry

Time:2021-07-20 17:51:15  Views: 147

The emergence of the epidemic has brought many impacts to the catering and food materials industry. Some people believe that the epidemic will bring heavy losses to the industry, and even lead to a significant reshuffle of food suppliers, food supply chains and downstream catering enterprises. Industry insiders have said that the current catering industry presents an "x + X + X" pattern, and the upstream ingredients, midstream ingredients supply chain (suppliers) and downstream catering industry all present a decentralized pattern.

Under the influence of the epidemic, will the pattern of catering, food materials and supply chain industry change after this round of reshuffle? If there are changes, what adjustments and preparations should food suppliers and manufacturers make?

The rational distribution of profits in the three links is the development direction of the catering industry in the future.

In terms of market changes, these three links will be integrated. At present, many breeding enterprises and upstream food material enterprises are also involved in catering, including the acquisition of catering with funds. A typical case abroad is McDonald's, which was not engaged in the breeding industry at the beginning of its establishment, but through the development in recent years, it has also begun to layout breeding, forming a one-stop model from production to sales, and truly realizing from farm to table.

Domestic catering is also developing in this direction. However, due to the large number of ingredients and processing methods required in China's catering market, the ingredients will be coordinated in the future. At present, group meal enterprises are doing better in this regard, because group meal is simpler than traditional catering in terms of taste change and use of ingredients.

At present, in the catering market, some catering enterprises retain traditional national and local characteristics, including hall food processing and post production. Only by ensuring certain characteristics can certain customer drainage be formed. However, catering enterprises prefer large brand manufacturers in the selection of food materials and supply chain to ensure the safety of products, Reduce their inventory to a large extent, and hand over this part of the responsibility and pressure to the supply chain enterprises, while the supply chain will hand over this part of the pressure to the food production factories.

If consumers agree that the price of meat, eggs and milk depends on the price of grain, for example, when the price of grain rises by 10% and the price of meat rises by 20%, as catering enterprises recognize the price adjustment, rather than in fluctuation, catering enterprises are facing cost changes or even extinction, because catering enterprises will increase the price without profit, but the terminal does not recognize it, especially group meals and e-commerce, Online sales are not recognized, so catering enterprises will continue to struggle.

Therefore, from farm to table refers to the rational distribution of profits in each link, so as to reduce the difficulties in marketing, which is the development direction of catering in the future.

If the catering industry develops mature in the future, it will be reflected in that when an epidemic occurs, catering enterprises will not sell raw materials, because selling raw materials is not the strength of catering enterprises, and this measure will disrupt the market price. Therefore, every link from food materials, supply chain to catering should be done well to form a strategic agreement.