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What are the types of kitchen utensils contracted by the staff canteen?

Time:2021-07-20 17:53:20  Views: 200

The first category is the utensils used for cutting and matching, mainly including the cutting and matching table used for cutting and matching, sorting and cutting dishes, and tools and utensils equipped with spices. Nowadays, with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, it is found that the food operation appliances in the canteen and kitchen are increasing in general factories, enterprises and institutions. For example, when we contracted the staff canteen, we found that many kitchens are using food cutting machines, Juicers, mixers and other appliances are also increasing.

The second category is the utensils needed for washing and decontamination, such as dishwasher, disinfection cabinet, etc., as well as all kinds of garbage generated in the contracted operation of the staff canteen after washing and decontamination, as well as the dustbins and sanitary buckets that should be configured in the kitchen. In addition, there are hot and cold water supply system and drainage equipment.

The third category is the utensils required for cooking and processing, which are all related tools and utensils to be used in cooking. Such as: cooking stove, stove, etc. There are also some electric rice cookers, ovens and so on.

The fourth category is the utensils required for food material storage. Generally, we will divide it into two parts: food material storage and utensils and supplies storage. Food material storage will be divided into frozen food material storage and non frozen food material storage. Freezing is realized through the refrigerator, freezer, cold storage and other equipment in our kitchen. Appliance storage means that we use the storage method provided by appliances to save food materials. This method is generally used when saving dry seasonings.

The fifth category is the utensils we use when eating, including the furniture placed in the restaurant and the tableware and utensils we eat.